Vorpal Fang

From Fleet
Revision as of 23:35, 31 May 2012 by Fox (talk | contribs)


"Your face looks like a Vorpal Fang"
Oh. Oh. The sweet scent of nostalgia. Who hasn't been called a Vorpal Fang on the virtual playground? Mmmmm... Aside from that, according to Pork Mythology, Vorpal Fangs were the foot mould of the great giant Daisy Boo. 1 thing's for sure, spraying them with obnoxious chemicals won't do you a lot of good - once they hold on, they don't let go (well, to an extent - it'd be pretty silly if it held on for ETERNITY). Yeah. Not comfort killing for beginners, but good practise once you can handle rogue pirates with ease.
A pair of these are found in many sectors, for example in Centic, Corona and Terra.

  • Level 9
  • Influence per Mission: 81
  • 1,999 - 2,909 Xp
  • 800 Hull, 2,425 Armor
  • Guns: 3 x Small Vorpal Teeth (Damage: 25 - 31)
  • Guns: 4 x Large Vorpal Teeth (Damage: 40 - 48)
  • Turrets: 2 x Vorpal Acid Spit (Damage: 30 - 35)
  • Family: Vorpal
  • Respawn Time 30-40 minutes
  • Moves: No

(85 Vorpals killed to get info)