Vorpal Fang

From Fleet
Revision as of 22:34, 14 July 2012 by Lightning (talk | contribs)


"Your face looks like a Vorpal Fang"
Oh. Oh. The sweet scent of nostalgia. Who hasn't been called a Vorpal Fang on the virtual playground? Mmmmm... Aside from that, according to Pork Mythology, Vorpal Fangs were the foot mould of the great giant Daisy Boo. 1 thing's for sure, spraying them with obnoxious chemicals won't do you a lot of good - once they hold on, they don't let go (well, to an extent - it'd be pretty silly if it held on for ETERNITY). Yeah. Not comfort killing for beginners, but good practise once you can handle rogue pirates with ease.
Found in many sectors, often in pairs.

  • Level 9
  • Influence per Mission: 81
  • 1,999 - 2,909 Xp
  • 800 Hull, 2,425 Armor
  • Guns: 3 x Small Vorpal Teeth (Damage: 25 - 31)
  • Guns: 4 x Large Vorpal Teeth (Damage: 40 - 48)
  • Turrets: 2 x Vorpal Acid Spit (Damage: 30 - 35)
  • Family: Vorpal
  • Respawn Time 30-40 minutes
  • Moves: No

(85 Vorpals killed to get info)