
From Fleet




or {{Colorsample|COLOR|text=TEXT|border=BORDER|height=HEIGHT|color=TEXTCOLOR}}

COLOR should be specified but all the named parameters are optional.

COLOR can be any CSS specification for a color.

If height is not specified, then the height will be determined by the current font size.

Default values:

  • TEXT:      (i.e. four non-breaking spaces)
  • BORDER: 1px solid black
  • TEXTCOLOR: black


{{Colorsample|RED}} produces     

{{Colorsample|#00FF00|text=foreground}} produces foreground

{{Colorsample|#00FF00|text=foreground|color=red}} produces foreground

{{Colorsample|{{rgb|bronze}}}} produces     

{{Colorsample|blue|text={{0|000000000}}}} produces 000000000

See also