Talk:Newbie Guide

From Fleet
Revision as of 03:42, 16 February 2010 by Kiseitai Inverse (talk | contribs)

About Chubbing, is this a very viable trading solution? It only works well if one person in the entire universe does it...

What makes you think that? I've done it since the pricings were settled and it's been efficient; if you've got a better technique though, feel free to overwrite that section of the QSG - new players following bad advice? I wouldn't be able to sleep at night!!

Yeah, in the current climate, not everyone does trading every day. Also, planets in less central locations (as well as central ones) are not upkept for every tick. Also, not all the universe is readily traded with (last time I headed towards earth, there wasn't a lot going on).

Thus, there'll always be places where 'Chubbing' is a viable option while the universe size/player ratio stays roughly the same (I think?).


KI stares at the text and then decides to chime in

Well buying 2 ticks worth when its green is variable. The item could be as low as 2 items bought away from turning red but the person sees green and buys 2 ticks worth. The chances of this happening increase each time this method is repeated. This leads to the planet needing about 2 ticks worth for the item to be green again. However, people will do this for each production good. Soon all the nearby planets production goods are red.

However, many buildings need certain goods such as antimatter, ore, food rations to produce. Those goods have a constant demand. They may get produced by planets at higher rates but they are constantly getting traded to red in this method. Their stocks are smaller but people need them for their buildings so they will buy whether the good is red or not. This makes replenishing those goods take more then two ticks worth.

With your method the more people who follow it, the quicker the goods become red. When they are red you state not to trade. Most bigger planets consume more then 2 ticks worth of a consumption good per tick. This means that those planets will likely have a boost at first followed by a drop in population. The drop in population is because it will consume the goods supplied and then on its next tick the other planets production are red. You stated not to trade if red. The planet has little to no goods to consume and the nearby planets are red (red = don't trade) This usually results in the planet shrinking. If it shrinks it may take more then 2 ticks to replace any goods you took from this planet to supply another one. This is a reason why with your method it only works quite well when very few people do it in an area. The more who do it, the worse it works. Adding it to a beginners guide increases the number of people doing it.

Now lets say instead you allowed the goods on a planet to stockpile (example: 8 tick policy). With more goods available the price per good becomes much lower but the sell price of the good remains relatively high. In this case you sell fewer goods, but they cost far less to buy. Also because you sold fewer goods the sell price remains higher. This also allows for a slower, but much more maintainable growth in planets compared to the boost then sink impact of 'Chubbing'
